
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A Handbook Would Be Nice

Sometimes I wish that kids would come with a handbook.  One that would explain the actions of a usually very obedient and sweet little boy, who loses all aspects of right and wrong and what he has been taught.  

Recently it has come to light that our very sweet (emotional at times) young man has been the target of a bully.  For weeks we could not figure out what was going on with our little guy, until he came down stairs to have us ground him because he was not doing his homework.  Not normal for the boy who wants to have strait  A's.

Today we caught this usually obedient kiddo in a lie that will have some serious consequences.  Consequences that will make it hard for him to be trusted.  Consequences very similar to the boy crying wolf.

A handbook would make this situation easier for his parents to understand and easier to make him understand how much more difficult he has made this particular situation.

My hope is that he will step up, manage to get enough courage to do the right thing and finally put all of this behind him, so that we can get our sweet, obedient little guy back.

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