
Saturday, September 01, 2007

The Important Things In Life

After a day of things not going as I thought they should, I spent the evening reflecting on what really is important to me. It's not money or possessions, but my beautiful, healthy, and happy family. Even when things are at its worst, if I got to spend the time with my family it couldn't have been that bad after all. I am so lucky to have a family that I can spend eternity with. There are times that I wish life were easy, but that takes the joy of accomplishing our goals. I have three wonderful goals that have been accomplished so far, a wonderful husband, a handsome young son, and a beautiful blue eyed baby girl. Many more accomplishments to come.

1 comment:

MommaArch said...

Thanks for your testimony on the important things in life. Where would we be without our wonderful families!!! They are great and you're right it's not that bad as long as we have them by our side!!!